Quality Assessment for CRT and LCD Color Reproduction Using a Blind Metric


  • Quintard Ludovic
  • B. Bringier
  • M. C. Larabi


This paper deals with image quality assessment that is capturing the focus of several research teams
from academic and industrial parts. This field has an important role in various applications related to image
from acquisition to projection. Numbers of objective image quality metrics have been developed during the
last decade. These metrics are more or less correlated to end-user feedback and can be separated in three
categories: 1) Full Reference (FR) trying to evaluate the impairment in comparison to the reference image,
2) Reduced Reference (RR) using some features extracted from an image to represent it and compare it
with the distorted one and 3) No Reference (NR) measures known distortions such as blockiness, blurriness,.
. . without the use of a reference. Unfortunately, the quality assessment community have not achieved
to a universal image quality model and only empirical models established on psychophysical experimentation
are generally used. In this paper, we focus only on the third category to evaluate the quality of CRT
(Cathode Ray Tube) and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) color reproduction where a blind metric, based on
modeling a part of the human visual system behavior. The objective results are validated by single-media
and cross-media subjective tests. This allows to study the ability of simulating displays on a reference one.


No Reference metric, quality assessment, Display technologies, color reproduction, singlemedia and cross-media validation




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