Random Image Matching CAPTCHA System


  • Hassan Hajjdiab Abu Dhabi University Abu Dhabi, UAE


Security risks is an important issues and caught the attention of researchers in the area of networks, web development, human computer interaction and software engineering. One main challenge for online systems is to identify whether the users are humans or software robots (bots). While it is natural to provide service to human users, providing service for software robots (bots) comes with many security risks and challenges. Software robots are often used by spammers to create fake online accounts, affect search engine ranking, take part in on-line polls, send out spam or simply waste the resources of the server. In this paper we introduce a visual CAPTCHA technique that is based on generating random images by the computer, the
user is then asked to match a feature point between two images (i.e. solve the correspondence problem as defined by the researchers in the computer vision area). The relationship between the two images is based on a randomly generated homography transformation function. The main advantage of our approach compared to other visual CAPTCHA techniques is that we eliminate the need for a database of images while retaining ease of use.


CAPTCHA, Internet Security, Computer Vision, Image Matching.

Author Biography

Hassan Hajjdiab, Abu Dhabi University Abu Dhabi, UAE

Associate professor and Department chair

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

College of Engineering

Abu Dhabi University

P.O.Box 59911

Abu Dhabi, UAE


