Pre-trained CNNs as Feature-Extraction Modules for Image Captioning
An Experimental Study
In this work, we present a thorough experimental study about feature extraction using Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs) for the task of image captioning in the context of deep learning. We perform a set of 72
experiments on 12 image classification CNNs pre-trained on the ImageNet [29] dataset. The features are
extracted from the last layer after removing the fully connected layer and fed into the captioning model. We use
a unified captioning model with a fixed vocabulary size across all the experiments to study the effect of changing
the CNN feature extractor on image captioning quality. The scores are calculated using the standard metrics in
image captioning. We find a strong relationship between the model structure and the image captioning dataset
and prove that VGG models give the least quality for image captioning feature extraction among the tested
CNNs. In the end, we recommend a set of pre-trained CNNs for each of the image captioning evaluation metrics
we want to optimise, and show the connection between our results and previous works. To our knowledge, this
work is the most comprehensive comparison between feature extractors for image captioning.
Convolutional Neural Network, Feature Extraction, Image Captioning, Deep LearningReferences
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Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Abdelhadie Al-Malla, Muhammad Abdelhadie Al-Malla, Assef Jafar, Nada Ghneim
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.